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Sweat a Little, Laugh a Lot-by Heidi McLaughlin

Posted: June 13, 2021

It’s time to laugh again. We’ve toughed it out, physical distanced and stayed indoors too long. It’s time to get the limbic brain dancing. The limbic system in our brain is the seat of emotions, memories and is responsible for our well-being. In fact, if you place the limbic brain under an MRI when you’ re happy and energized, it displays beautiful colours and dances.

It’s time for some colourful dancing and fresh joy.

Yes, a chocolate bar or bowl of ice cream will help. But, therapists tell us that one of the best ways to help our brain do the limbic dance is to get out into God’s creation. We’ve been so caught up in the latest Covid reports, politics, vaccines, and homeschooling that many have forgotten the power of creation.

God is the master creator.

God is the master creator. He created thousands of orchid species and butterflies, the stripes on a zebra and millions of colourful fish underneath the ocean. You and I have the DNA of that creator, and when we connect with His creation something mysteriously wonderful happens to our spirit.  When I look at the mountains, waterfalls and bodies of water, I stand in awe of something that is so much bigger than myself. I am reminded of Psalm 8:1 “Oh LORD, our Lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth!” My spirit’s troubles are silenced when I read that God created us a little lower than the angels.

God considers us so valuable and worthy.

After a rainfall God brings to mind that His rainbow is a promise that he never again will wipe out the whole earth like He did with the flood. When I hike, sweat and smell the earthy pathways, hear the birds and the burbling creeks, my spirit connects with God my creator and I am at peace. A God who created such a majestic world is able to solve my seemingly puny disappointments and trouble.

What makes it even better is when I hike with family or friends.

Out in nature. No masks, no physical distancing. Just fresh air, wild flowers sunshine and laughter. Happiness is fulfilled when we share glorious moments. “Oh look over here, do you know the name of this flower?” Have you ever seen such mysterious rock formations?” “Do you hear a waterfall up ahead?” “How in the world are we going to get over this creek?” And when the wind comes up and we’re almost blown away on the mountaintop we can just laugh…hilariously.

Sweating and laughing makes the limbic system dance.

So I challenge each one of you. Grab a friend, put on your hiking shoes, fill up a water bottle and get your feet onto the soil of God’s marvellous creation. Before you know it your limbic brain will dance and new life will flow through your whole body. As you gaze at the miraculous beauty all around you, fears and worries about tomorrow will fade into the background. You’ll be amazing how awesome you will feel.








Posted in: be creative, beauty, beauty and joy, Covid-19, disappointments, fresh joy, friends, girlfriends, God's creation, happiness needs to be shared, hiking, Laughter, limbic dance, limbic sytem, lower than the angels, mountain top, nature, physical distancing, rainbows, sweat a little, troubles, waterfalls, worry

4 responses to “Sweat a Little, Laugh a Lot-by Heidi McLaughlin”

  1. Teresa A Moyer says:

    I am so tired of isolation. Living alone just added to the sadness of it. Then add in mask anxiety and leaving my home to go in public was not mentally healthy for me either. I miss spending time out in God’s creation. I miss going for walks. But physically I am unable to stand or walk any distance and avoid uneven surfaces due to my knee. Between my already existing mobility issues and adding in COVID this has been a hard time emotionally for me. But the positive side is I am fulfilling my calling of writing my book. I write while I keep losing the weight, I write while I wait for knee surgery to be scheduled, I write to heal. Writing has been a great therapy for me. One of these days masks will go away and COVID will just be a bad memory.

    • hmclaughlin says:

      Hi Teresa, I’ve been following you on Facebook for some time now and I am amazed how well you are doing with all the difficulties you encounter each day. You supported me on my book launch in a huge capacity, and I see that in spite of all your troubles, you champion women in a beautiful way.I am so delighted that you’ve found JOY in writing and now you have a book contract. WAY TO GO!! And soon we will be through Covid, the masks will go away and we will be able to spend more time with each other. May God continue to strengthen you and give you creativity and joy as you write and wait for your knee surgery. I love the way you love on other authors and I pray that God blesses you for that. Cheering you on from Canada…Hugs..

  2. Heather Thomson says:

    Hi Teresa: I don’t know you but I know your pain because I am experiencing some of the same with knee and leg problems. I decided to join Weight Watchers and actually having fun keeping track of what I eat and what I do; then heard about Deep Water Acquasize which means no undue pressure on the knees. And much to my surprise, it’s working. Not only am I noticing a difference in my knee while I work out in the pool, but I am meeting other women who are having fun with the water exercise. And now down 28 pounds. So keep on keeping on and here’s one of my favourite verses. 2 Cor 4:16. Even though on the outside it often looks (and feels) like things are falling apart on us, on the inside where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfailing grace. Love that verse.

    • hmclaughlin says:

      Oh Heather, Thank you so much for cheering Teresa on. You are such an encourager, bless you. Hugs, Heidi

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