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Become Like A Child-by Heidi McLaughlin
Posted: March 31, 2019

Why should we become like little children? After all they wear us out with their frenetic activity, messes to clean up, and their defiant “no’s” and “mine.” Not to mention the sleepless nights, the need for constant attention, whining and temper tantrums. Well, we don’t have to worry about becoming that, because we are that already. So when Jesus tells us in the Bible to become like little children, what do you think that means?
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)
The key words here are “unless you change.”So how does that apply to us fully grown, responsible and efficient world changers? Let’s take a magnifying glass and zoom in.
- The simplicity of relationships. It takes very little to make little children happy. Last year I dedicated many hours to teaching little ones to blow bubbles with Hubba Bubba bubblegum. Oh the chewing and laughter! Children just want to spend time with us to tell them stories, play games and laugh. Maybe Jesus wants us to just hang out with Him more, share our stories and rekindle the joy that is just waiting to burst out. He also wants us to hang out with “each other” to encourage one another and build each other up. It’s so simple, but somehow these days it has become so hard. We’re too busy.
- The simplicity of “no stuff”. Give a child a bouncy ball, an empty box, some paper and crayons and they can occupy themselves for hours. They don’t need much stuff to make them smile. When the rich ruler asked Jesus “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 18:18), Jesus told him to go and sell everything and give it to the poor. Get rid of your stuff, the things that control you and bind you. Stop being a “stuff manager” and enjoy the freedom from all the possessions filling our homes, garages and off site storage bins. Stuff controls us, makes us anxious and greedy. Jesus wants us to stop it so that we can recapture our joy.
“Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18:4)

- The simplicity of humility. Little children have not yet learned how to be puffed up and arrogant. We teach them that a little later in life. As successful and accomplished grown ups, we will find much joy and peace when we stop our striving and competing. When we accept ourselves for the way God designed us, we become “God confident” and can step back to let others take the spotlight.
- The simplicity of prayer. Little children are unafraid to ask Jesus for anything; “Jesus can I please have a new bike for Christmas.” “Jesus please heal my hand.” Jesus, can I have some candy?” Ok, those aren’t the best prayers but children have an open heart and I fully believe Jesus hears our prayers. As adults we have become embarrassed or cynical about prayers. We don’t want to bow our heads and pray in a restaurant, or openly pray for “one another” the way the Bible commands us to. Jesus tells us that: “You do nothave because you do not ask God” (James 4:2). Prayer is simply talking to God and He wants us to become like a child and keep asking.
I am sure you can think of even more ways we need to become like little children. I know I want to laugh more and enjoy all the benefits of being unchained from unnecessary worry and striving.
What else do you think Jesus meant for us to become?
Posted in: becoming, companionship, Encouragement, Friendship, God's love, happy, humility, Jesus, joy, Laughter, Life of Jesus, messes, Pleasure, Prayer, recapture your joy, relationships, Simple, simplicity, stuff managers
I love your “Heart Connection” blogs Heidi they are beautifully written and truly inspiring with so much truth and wisdom in them. Your website is awesome so colourful and captivating. It is so refreshing to see everyday articles from a Christian and God’s perspective!
Bless you my friend for following the Lord and doing his work. I look forward to your next article.
Thank You
Thank you Linda for reading my blogs and visiting my website. I just LOVE my readers and want to fill them with good things from our Lord. We are all here to encourage “one another” and I am grateful that I can be a part of that mission. Blessings on you.
Heidi, I love your posts.They really provide insight into God’s word and our daily lives. We mean well but do not always follow up like God would have us do. Children are wonderful examples of God’s teachings.
When we listen with open eyes and hearts God works many miracles in our lives and the lives of others.
Thank you for your encouraging words and guidance. I love your blog.
Hugs from TEXAS!
Sandra it is always so wonderful to hear from you in TEXAS. Thank you for YOUR encouraging words and affirmation. We still haven’t met…but one day! With love from British Columbia.