What Are You Waiting For?-by Heidi McLaughlin
Posted: July 12, 2020
How many times have you heard: “We were going to ….and then Covid .” For months we’ve had constant disappointments and spent a lot of time waiting for something new and wonderful to happen. Waiting for our hair appointment, our favourite store to open its doors, waiting for our first hug and news of when borders will open again. Waiting can be difficult especially when we’re constantly disappointed. I’m tired of waiting for something to happen, I want to enjoy the sweetness of these long-awaited summer days. If the familiar and comfortably predictable pathways are blocked, we have to find new ways to venture forward. What are you waiting for? While golfing with a friend this morning we talked about our present tumultuous world. I shared a verse that I’ve found extremely comforting and allows me to enjoy each day. “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take…